23 Jul Africa Diaspora Investment Symposium 2014
The first US-African Diaspora Investment Symposium will be held on 4th August 2014 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington DC. The event will highlight the tremendous potential for crowd funding and other investment channel for African Diaspora to support economic growth and will allow Homestrings access to investable projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. This event is jointly hosted by Homestrings, Developing Market Associates, the Small Enterprise Fund and the International diaspora Engagement Alliance.
The morning event, open to the general public, will be primarily about how to leverage the potential of the African Diaspora through investment and entrepreneurship. Participants will include actors from the private sector, civil society, non-governmental organizations, as well as the global diaspora. New programs will be announced, which is engage the African Diaspora in playing a significant role in supporting and improving economic growth throughout Africa. This event will focus sharing insights from existing Diaspora initiatives and programs.
The afternoon event, hosted by DMA and Homestrings, will be open only to accredited investors. This session will inform Africans in the Diaspora community about pre-qualified investment opportunities in Africa. Investment opportunities will include opportunities in agriculture, healthcare, real estate, power, and infrastructure.
For more information, and to register for the event, please click here.