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SEAF Company Completes Presidential Palace, Opening Ceremony a Success

SEAF Company Completes Presidential Palace, Opening Ceremony a Success

Press Release
For Immediate Release
September 11th, 2014

SEAF Afghan Growth Fund portfolio company, Harirod Construction, celebrated the inauguration of their newly constructed presidential guesthouse, with President Karzai in attendance

Kabul, Afghanistan – SEAF Afghan Growth Fund (“AGF”) is proud to announce the completion of a new presidential guesthouse by portfolio company Harirod Construction. The building was inaugurated at the Presidential Palace in the presence of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who originally had requested the palace be built for him post-term.

The President praised Harirod for the high quality of construction, deeming it worthy of Presidential guests.

Established in 1993, Harirod has emerged as one of Afghanistan’s largest and most respected heavy construction and materials supplier companies, servicing both public as well as the private sector. Harirod’s vigilant monitoring during manufacturing ensures its products comply with both local and international standards and norms. The company has completed numerous  public and private sector construction infrastructure projects, , such as the new Kabul International airport terminal.

For the full news article on the Tolo News website, please click here.

For the full press release, please click here.


About Afghan Growth Fund (AGF)

In partnership with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), SEAF established Afghan Growth Finance (AGF) in May 2007 to address the market gap faced by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in obtaining growth capital in Afghanistan. AGF offers a broad mix of financial products coupled with market appropriate support services that enable Afghan entrepreneurs to lower their overall cost of capital and to accelerate their growth. For more information on AGF, please visit

