26 Feb SEAF Selected for ImpactAssets 50 2019
SEAF is honored to announce that it has been selected, for the sixth time, as a member of the 2019 class of ImpactAssets 50 Fund Managers. The IA 50 is the first open-source database available to the public providing an index of impact investing firms that span a wide geography, an array of sectors and asset classes. The firms included are selected by the IA 50 Review Committee based on years of experience, scale (in terms of AUM), investor base and a clear, measurable and significant dedication to social and/or environmental impact. The database, while not comprehensive, is intended to provide an overview of the best in class impact investors for financial advisors and investors, and currently has over 200,000 users.
SEAF was selected based on a variety of data points, including our extensive 30-year history, expansive geographic network and the fact that 100% of our total assets under management are dedicated to impact investments.
ImpactAssets is a nonprofit financial services firm dedicated to increasing the flow of capital into investments delivering financial, social and environmental returns. The firm was spun out of Calvert Impact Capital in 2010 to address the growing need to increase flows of capital to the world’s greatest challenges. ImpactAssets currently counts more than 1,000 highly engaged clients, strategic partners, board and staff, and has become the leading facilitator of direct impact investing within donor advised funds.
See SEAF’s IA 50 profile here.
Quotes from the IA 50 Selection Committee:
“This year’s IA 50 highlights a diverse and tested group of fund managers that are delivering environmental and social impact as well as solid investment returns. Whether you are just starting your impact investing journey or are a veteran impact investor, the IA 50 is a trusted database to help investors identify experienced impact investment firms and explore the landscape of potential investment options.”
-Jed Emerson, Senior Fellow, ImpactAssets, IA 50 Review Committee Chair
“As impact investing continues its inexorable rise, it is critical to provide investors with a curated, objective evaluation of impact fund managers. The IA 50 is built to filter out the noise that is growing louder in impact investing and help investors focus on deep, meaningful impact.”
-Jennifer Kenning, CEO and Co-Founder, Align Impact, IA 50 Senior Investment Advisor
“ImpactAssets is focused on fostering deep impact investing with innovative investment solutions, resources and education. The IA 50 is a cornerstone of our efforts to help investors gain access to the resources they need in order to help double the impact of their capital.”
-Margaret Trilli, President and Chief Investment Officer, ImpactAssets