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The Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED) launches new website

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED) launches new website

CEED has always been a place that is of, by, and for entrepreneurs. They are the mentors and leaders whose experience can best teach other entrepreneurs, and CEED is the program that helps bring it all together.

Our new brand reflects our commitment to our mission to drive economic growth by developing, connecting, and mentoring entrepreneurs. It is also an outward sign of how CEED is embracing its relationship and connection to the Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF), a proven investor in SMEs in developing markets for over 20 years. We have the know-how, the networks, and the understanding of the capital needs of entrepreneurs as they move through the various stages of growth. We believe our program and brand, powered by SEAF, is an accurate reflection of the values, mission, and vision we have as trailblazers working to empower and grow entrepreneurs who spur innovation, create jobs, and build thriving economies.

At CEED, we are local and global. CEED has expanded to new markets from its start in Eastern Europe in 2005, to our new operations in North Africa and South Asia that opened this past year. However, our strength has always come from the dedicated local staff and entrepreneurs that make our local communities the “home” they have strived to be for entrepreneurs who are looking to connect, learn, and share with peers who face similar challenges.

As CEED as an organization has grown, our local communities have connected more and more in person and virtually. In order to better serve them with better opportunities, tools, access, and programs, CEED is evolving to better connect our centers and entrepreneurs with each other, with world class content and know-how, with opportunities to grow their businesses internationally, and to a global network of thought leaders.

